The Simple Golf Swing - how to find your perfect golf swing

by kink
Let me start off by saying that I was extremely leary about buying something off of the internet to help improve my golf swing. And come on, "The Simple Golf Swing"? Everyone knows a perfect golf swing like Tiger Woods is anything but simple. After reading some of the testimonials and since the price of the book was so low (I spend more on golf balls) I decided to buy the book because it is 100% guaranteed - if it sucked I would just get a refund. One of the main reasons I decided to buy the book was because I don't have time to have a golf trainer or practice all the time. I surf pretty much any day there are waves in Florida, I go to college, and I have to keep my websites updated daily.

So I decided to buy the book and I spent a few hours reading it from front to back over and over. I decided I would just print the book out and bring it with me to the golf course in the morning so I didn't forget anything. After a short surf session with my friends, we drove across the street to our local golf course in Melbourne Beach, FL.

Let me just put it this way, my friends were amazed at my golf swings and were convinced that I had a personal golf trainer. The first day that I had tried out the tips that I got from the Simple Golf Swing I improved my handicap from a 17 to a 13. I improved my accuracy and distance hitting the golf ball as well. This was just my first time using the Simple Golf Swing tips and they were definetly helping my golf swing.

Two days later I went back to the course and had even better results. It was a rainy day, so I wanted to test out some more tips that were in the Simple Golf Swing book. My first tee I had a great hit even with the wetness of the ball and club. I have never had a ball fly this straight and high in the rain before.

Every hole after the first was the same. I would've never dreamed of making such solid contact thru 18 holes. The ultimate test came on the 5th hole where I'm sitting at 200 yards out in the middle of the fairway on an uphill par 4. I grab my 3 iron which still looks new from lack of use and I nail it within 15 feet of the hole. I wound up shooting 80 and the only reason that I was that high, was club selection between my sand and pitching wedge. I was getting so much action on my sand wedge that 3 times I hit the front of the green and it sucked right back off the green. That's the first time that has ever happened to me. To top things off my playing partner, seeing me hit so well, asked me what I'd changed. I gave him a brief lesson and within two holes he's hitting them a far and as straight as I've ever seen him.

I honestly recommend The Simple Golf Swing even if you already think you are Tiger Woods. A lot of people have had success with The Simple Golf Swing and you can read more testimonials on their website.

To learn more about The Simple Golf Swing please visit The Simple Golf Swing

Golf Swing Mechanics, learn the proper ones!

by Babu Lontong
Every golfer appears ready to do anything to develop more power in his/her golf swing. A common question asked by golfers is: where does that power come from? The answer is simple: golf swing power is the result of three specific factors - golf swing mechanics, golf strength, and golf equipment.

The inclusion of golf swing mechanics in this list of three should not come as a surprise. Nor for that matter the inclusion of golf equipment. But golf strength seems to be the least recognized of the three, though for it is the key to longer drives. Golf strength is defined as how well your body is conditioned to swing a golf club with maximum power. There is no doubt that quality golf equipment is also capable of making a difference in how far you drive the ball.

While admitting that equipment and technological advances can lengthen the distance of your drives, it should be kept in mind that without better golf swing mechanics and without getting your body in better golf shape, new technology can do little to help your game. A bad swing can only produce a bad result, no matter what kind of new driver you may have just purchased.

Every golfer realizes how important golf swing mechanics are when it comes to driving the ball down the fairway. Good golf swing mechanics are, in fact, essential. If you are over the top with your swing or come inside too much, you are certain to see that dreaded slice or snap hook. The drives will be short, too low, too high, left, right, or any combination of these if you are putting bad swings on the ball.

It is important for a golfer to work constantly on his golf swing mechanics if he/she is keen on improving his/her game. It is because of the vital role of golf swing mechanics that the best golfers in the world have swing coaches working with them on a consistent basis. The golf swing is such a fine, mechanically complex movement that it requires constant work to keep it highly efficient.

Amateurs often make the mistake of ignoring the availability of golf instruction.

They fail to make noticeable improvement in driving primarily because of a lack of instruction, and low levels of golf strength. The absence of instruction leads to the development and ingraining of improper golf swing mechanics. Such improper mechanics lead to slices, hooks, topping the ball, and hitting it fat on the course. Naturally, those types of swings can lead to frustration and bad rounds of golf. Every golfer interested in seriously improving his/her game should find a good instructor of golf swing mechanics and take lessons on a consistent basis.

Visit us for more information about Golf Swing Mechanics

Organize A Simple Golf Swing Clinic in Your Area

by Paul Ronston
Simple Golf has opened a golf school in Orlando where you can have one-on-one instruction or lessons in a small group.

Golfers of all levels are catered for and have achieved some amazing results with Simple Swing and many are hitting longer and straighter than ever before after only a few minutes instruction.

Whether you come to the Orlando school, have lessons with a certified Simple Swing teacher or attend a clinic you will learn not only how to hit a golf ball long and straight but also how to diagnose any problems you may have and quickly correct your swing. A simple golf swing review will improve your game tremendously

There are often Simple Swing Clinics organized in various area where many people can benefit at one time. If you want to organize a Simple Golf Swing Clinic in your area there are several steps necessary. The first thing to do would be to get a few of your friend together , at least 4 -5 who would be interested in the a Simple Swing Clinic, that will ensure the clinic is worth doing. The next thing to organize is somewhere to hold such a clinic, you will have to find a golf course or a driving range that also has a putting green so chipping can be taught as well as the full swing.

The beauty of finding a course or driving range willing to let the clinic be held there is it normally increases the number of people wanting to attend thus increasing the chances of the clinic being held.

Once you find a course or driving range plus 6 interested people things will start to happen quickly and you do not need to negotiate with course or driving range proprietors any further, this will be handled by Simple Swing Management, who will also arrange for the certified Simple swing instructors to come and teach at the clinic. The clinic will cater for all levels of golfer.

Getting people interested in a clinic should not present too much of a problem, speak to other members of your golf group, anyone else you play golf with. You could even include people you work with, other sporting or community groups as well as family and friends.
Organizing a clinic in your area is a great way to share what you already know and a Simple Golf Swing review is always a good way to improve that little bit more.

To learn more about how you can improve your golf game using Simple Golf Swing, be sure to visit Paul Ronston's review blog at

8 Important Steps To Achieve The Perfect Golf Swing

by John Fisher
To people who are new to the world of golf but, nevertheless, are intending to play the sport, one factor that they should focus on is the perfect golf swing. To mention some other factors, there are a lot such as, the golf equipments, the direction of the wind, the golf ball and the player himself, but still, the precision of the swing is the causal factor on the success or flop of playing golf.

I'll get a few suggests that would help you to get your goal of becoming a professional in playing golf. These are the basics, but, where did Tiger Woods begin, anyway?

1. Know what your forces are. Can you attain a certain angle that would give you the perfect golf swing? Do you have a good balance? What about your playing stance? Do you have an agile and highly flexible body that could go with the force of your swing? These are just a few initial questions that you have to answer before you put up the sport.

2. Obtain help from professionals through coaching. Coaching does wonders. You could either have a one on one or you could start purchasing a few materials that are already available in the market. An example of this stuff is the Tac Tic Golf Trainer. The Tac Tic is much like a personal coach because it adjusts the inaccurate positioning that someone makes on a golf swing. It warns you of your incorrect grip by giving out a click so this would allow you to change the alignment of your wrist. Aside from wrist alignment, it as well betters your swing curve.

3. Practice, practice and practice again. The perfect golf swing is made only through constant practice. Tiger Woods was known to practice even in the worst weathers.

4. Aside from the Tac Tic, additional aids on training for the perfect swing admit videos and manuals that you could watch and study. But you have always to remember that only studying or watching would just give you the theory of achieving what you actually want to achieve. Practice would quiet be the key at the close of it all.

5. No training stuff or equipment is the most perfect for any individual. What you'd find to be helpful could be not of much help to somebody else. Take a manual or a training video that would fit you and begin practicing the skills that are taught there to finally achieve the perfect golf swing.

6. To have a good back swing, ensure that the force comes from your arms and not from your hands. It should be done in one, clean, sweeping movement.

7. The down swing, on the other hand, calls for precision in speed. A good advice on this is to pull your left arm coming from the top.

8. To make a successful sweep, the finish should be done high enough. The main key there is to transfer left. You can tell that you have made a good finish if your right knee is facing the target with your right foot up. Spikes of your shoe should be seen. Your hands should be high up very near your left ear.

Although it is often reported as the perfect golf swing, to have the perfect golf swing is quite mythical. Constant practice would just make you well-situated with a stance that you can eventually work with and are comfortable with. Anyway, it is really important, that you enjoy the golf sport and look forward to do it every time.

Try visiting this website for tips and ideas on achieving the perfect golf swing and a lot of useful suggestions to improve your golf swing.


by Brian Kolewe
The golf swing is as fundamental to a golfer as water is to life on earth. If one delves into the history of the golf swing, one would be hard pressed to find another body movement that has received as much analysis.

It is simply a circular motion of the arms while gripping a funny-looking club and at the same time trying to hit a small white ball.

Simple in theory but in practice, the golf swing is a phenomenon steeped in mystery for most of us. Millions of amateurs and hackers are frustrated by their golf swing while, at the other end, the select few who have managed to master their golf swing, have made millions out of it.

What other body-motion has spawned as much scientific research and analysis? How many pages of glossy magazine paper or Internet bandwidth has been dedicated to teaching people how to take control of their golf swing?

And how many billions have been spent in manufacturing products that help to improve your golf swing?

Indeed, much of the billions is money well spent because modern training aids play an important part in helping amateurs and pros improve their golf swing.

Among the most popular items is the Golf Swing Jacket. It's not unusual to see even the top pros wear this jacket while out on the course practicing.

The golf swing jacket is worn on the upper body and works by guiding your muscles through the ideal golf swing.

The jacket allows you to make a full swing and hit balls, which is why it is often used on the course itself during practice.

There are also golf swing training tools that do not need to be attached to your body, such as the SwingMate, a small device with a display that measures your golf swing.

The SwingMate can measure the speed of a particular golf swing, whether it is a driver or iron, and then tell you how far the ball should have traveled based on the velocity of the golf swing.

There are also ways to improve your body strength in order to enhance your golf swing. The Golf Swing Ball, endorsed by South African star Ernie Els, is golf's equivalent of the medicine ball.

Weighing anywhere from four to seven pounds, players can grip a golf swing ball through a strap and practice their golf swing while fighting the weight.

The golf swing ball is often used by pros just prior to teeing off in a tournament.

There are no limits to how you can improve your golf swing. Find out for yourself what golf swing device is best for your game.

Visit Golf Training Aid and find the fixes for each and every part of your game. Golf Swing Training Aids

How To Improve Your Golf Swing Timing

by Dean R. Iggo
One of the most important factors in building a repeatable and reliable swing on the golf course is golf swing timing. In fact, it is the timing of the golf swing that makes quiet necessary for golfers to concentrate. Even with the instruction and tips you may receive, golf fitness is actually a big part of obtaining good golf swing timing.

Just Like Any Other Sport

Most every pro athlete and even most that play sports recreationally have exercise worked into their training. The idea of the exercise is to help their bodies to perform exactly as they want it to when it comes time to perform in competition. A golf swing is just as demanding as a baseball swing or a jump shot, yet many beginning golfers don't exercise or train for their golf swing timing.

Professionals spend a lot of time honing their golf swing and its timing through exercise and training, and you can see that they obtain a repeatable swing with perfect timing and cadence. You too can improve your golf swing timing, but not by sitting on the sofa watching golf on television.

How Did it End Up This Way?

The lack of golf fitness in amateurs is not a new situation. Golf has, in many circles, always been seen as a leisure game. The word "leisure" tends to imply that no training or preparation is needed. This perception has led to many an amateur with poor timing or nagging injuries that could have been easily prevented.

What to Do

If you notice that you cannot get good golf swing timing and thus are stuck at a point where you don't seem to be improving, you may need to work on your golf fitness. You don't necessarily need to run out and get an expensive gym membership and personal trainer. Instead, consult your golf coach and ask about exercises you can do.

Many of the exercises can, in fact, be done in a couple of minutes right in your office or living room.

Good golf swing timing is essential to honing a repeatable swing. To get there, though, you need to attain at least moderate golf fitness. There are some great books and resources available online for teaching you how to improve your fitness and hence your timing.

Check out my website below for some great golf fitness and swing timing tips, you'll be slashing your golf score in no time!

Dean R. Iggo is a golf enthusiast with a single figure handicap. He is also the webmaster of a website providing unbiased golf swing tips, articles and golf swing aids.

Mental, Physical, Nutritional, and Biomechanical Preparation for Your Golf Game

by Sean Cochran
Golf is a game requiring mastery in a variety of areas for success. Breaking down the game of golf into categories. Success and development within is required in the areas of mechanics, physical, nutritional, and mental. Mechanics is the development of the proper biomechanics of the golf swing. Physical entails developing the body around the golf swing. Nutrition incorporates fueling the body for proper success on the golf course. Mental is the development of the correct mind set to excel at the game of golf.

Each and every one of these categories has a direct affect on the development of your golf game. Often the golfer tends to focus only upon the development of the golf swing through mastery of biomechanics of the golf swing. Developing the biomechanics of the golf swing requires you to correctly master each phase of the golf swing. Often the golf swing is broken down into phases. These phases are address, backswing, transition, downswing, and follow through. Not only is it required of the amateur to master each movement entailed in the phases of the golf swing. It is also necessary to perform each specific movement with the correct timing. Finally, the discussion of the biomechanics requires you to create efficiency and repeatability within the golf swing. After recognizing all the intricacies involved in the development of efficient golf swing mechanics. It is understandable why golfers spend an in ornate amount of this part of developing their golf game.

What golfers at times fail to recognize that additional categories exist requiring development to create the optimal golf swing. If ignored these aspects can negatively affect the development of the golf swing and golf game. The next category requiring development within the golfer is categorized as physical. Physical refers to the development of the body around the golf swing. Often times the body is a hindrance in the development of the biomechanics of the golf swing. The golf swing requires certain levels of flexibility, balance, strength, endurance, and power within the body to execute the golf swing correctly. If the body is lacking in any one of these physical categories, the ability to perform the biomechanics of the golf swing correctly will be hindered. The end result is the possible inability to master the biomechanics of the golf swing. The common result is the development of compensations in the golf swing. For example, the golf swing requires a high level of flexibility to complete a full shoulder turn. If the golfer is lacking flexibility, the ability to complete a full shoulder turn will be compromised, thus causing compensations in the golf swing.

Each and every physical component has a direct effect on the execution of the golf swing. Compensations can easily occur if these physical aspects are not developed around the golf swing. In addition to developing these physical aspects of the body, it is of equal importance to develop these parameters around the biomechanics of the golf swing. This type of training is termed cross-specific training. Cross-specific training can be defined as the developing the physical parameters of the body to the positions, movement, and requirements of the golf swing. This simply states the components of flexibility, balance, strength, endurance, and power must be developed around the requirements of the golf swing.

After understanding the physical component of golf swing development. The golfer must understand two additional categories directly affecting the game of golf. The next category the golfer must understand and develop is nutrition. Nutrition is a fairly basic component to understand in relation to golf or any other athletic endeavor. Essentially, nutrition is the process by which one fuels their body for their sport. Basically if poor nutrients are given to the body during athletic endeavors, outputs on the field of competition (i.e. golf course for golfers) will be less than optimal. Nutrition in relation to athletes is not solely concerned about weight loss, but more so on providing the body with the nutrients required for success on and off the course. Weight loss and good health go hand-in-hand with proper nutrition, but with athletes the number one concern is properly fueling the body for success in their chosen sport. Nutrition in golf and athletics in general are required for success during competition and development of the athlete in their chosen sport.

For example, nutrition fuels the body in the development of it physically. In order to develop higher levels of strength and power within the golfer, proper nutrition will undoubtedly increase the success within this category. If the body is provided proper nutrients, the ability of it to develop the physical requirements needed of the golf swing will occur at a much more optimal process.

The final category lending itself to develop of one's golf game is mental. Often referred to as a key element of success within the game of golf. Numerous materials exist on the development of the mind within golf. It is often a category that is address once a proficiency in the area of golf swing mechanics has materialized, but at times is overlooked by many amateurs within the game. A grasping of the basic concepts of positive mental outlook, visualization, and preparation can improve a golfer's success rate on course a great deal. As with all other categories requiring development for the game of golf, the mental side of game is in need of attention.

Development of a golfer's swing and game consists of much more than the golf swing itself. It requires efficiency within the biomechanics of the golf swing. Inside these biomechanics of the golf are ingraining the correct sequence of the golf swing and the timing required. Developing the biomechanics of the golf swing can hinge upon physical components of the body. Certain levels of flexibility, balance, strength, endurance, and power are required to execute the golf swing correctly. On top of developing the body for the golf swing proper nutrition is required. Nutrition fuels the body during a round of golf and assists in the process of developing a well rounded golf game. Finally, the correct mental approach is required for success within this game of golf. The mental side of the game requires just as much attention as the other components in the development of your game of golf. All in all a comprehensive approach in the development of your golf game is required for optimal success in the game of golf. This entails time and effort in the areas of: golf swing biomechanics, developing the flexibility, balance, strength, endurance, and power required physically of the golf swing, properly fueling the body with optimal nutrition, and development of a sound mental approach to the game of golf.

Sean Cochran is one of the most recognized golf fitness instructors in the world today. He travels the PGA Tour regularly with 2004 Masters, 2005 PGA, and 2006 Masters Champion Phil Mickelson. He has made many of his golf tips, golf instruction and golf swing improvement techniques available to amateur golfers on the website To contact Sean, you can email him at

PurePoint Golf System

by Dan Radcliff
Golf players had long back understood that a good golf swing needs to be consistent even under pressure and that the club head speed in the down swing separates the pros from the average amateur golfers. However only single handicappers and pros could walk down the mysterious world of an efficient and consistent golf swing. Not any more...

Kyle Hallberg, has spilled the beans and has created a golf swing method, PurePoint Golf ( that takes away the mystery and art element from a successful golf swing and converts that to a simple, consistent and powerful swing. The DVD covers the 5 essential steps that make up this new golf swing system.

Kyle said, "The system focuses purely on Swing Mechanics. It highlights unique points of the swing that add consistency. Here's the secret: With consistency comes power." He added, "Anyone can benefit from this. Physical strength and athletic ability cannot be used as excuses any longer. With this system, all you need is the desire to become a better golfer, and you will reach your goals."

Andy Legrand from has been testing different golf systems for quite some time. He reported, "You will be able to learn the unique setup and the 5-step system in roughly 3 hours. I watched the DVD twice and spent 10 minutes per day for two weeks to practise the swing drills at home. I saw immediate results on the course."

About PurePoint Golf System:

PurePoint Golf System is a Golf teaching DVD that aids in eliminating the Golf Slice and improving consistency and power. Visit to learn more about the golf method.

About Kyle Hallberg:

Kyle Hallberg is a certified USGTF golf instructor and director of instruction at PurePoint Golf. This golf swing system originally developed by David Nevogt ( is quite popular with over 7987 Golfers in 16 countries.

Dan Radcliff is senior editor at Webgolfreviews - the free Resource for Golf instruction reviews, tips and articles

Easy Steps to Fix Your Golf Swing

By Lyn Leckie

Golf is such a fantastic game isnt it? But isnt it so frustrating when week after week we go out and come in over par. Now is the time to fix that golf swing once and for all. I watch others play and I think Thats how I do it so why do they come around under par.

The answer is quite simple they have mastered their golf swing and you can too. Especially now as just recently the swing guru released his "The Simple Golf Swing" and has helped over 7000 golfers to date improve their golf score.

Lets face it we can all have the same clothes and we can all have the same clubs and balls but if we have a bad swing we will most certainly have a bad score. So you dont need the best clubs money can buy to have a great golf score and you dont need the best clothes money can buy to increase your golf score but you do need a great swing to increase your golf score.

On average "The Simple Golf Swing" is helping people by an average improvement of 12 strokes. Now imagine your friends or your boss when your out there playing golf and you improve by a staggering 12 strokes.

Lyn Leckie
You Can Find Out More On "The Simple Golf Swing" Here

Golf Injury Prevention

by Mike Pedersen

A golf injury is one of the most common issues with all amateur golfers. But having adequate strength and flexibility of muscles and joints and participating in effective training technique, can also prevent a golf injury.

Well-conditioned limbs and joints that are under control when the stresses of the swing are encountered will greatly reduce risk of a golf injury.

If your body motion is out of control when you execute the swing, the muscles and tendons have little room for error. The result is likely a tear or strained tendon or ligament…keeping you off the course indefinitely.

The golf swing is a complicated movement (skill). In order to maximize your distance and power, you must have a high level of flexibility (range of motion) and force in the joints involved. This would include the shoulders, back and hips.

And when looking at the areas of a golf injury, the above mentioned areas are at the top of the list. Go figure!

Keep in mind that with an above average level of strength and flexibility and swing technique, you will not only reduce the occurrence of a golf injury, but also enhance the quality of your game.

Many golfers think they are generally healthy and able to play a round of golf without a golf injury…however, I have heard and read dozens of times where a golfer gets injured on the course…swinging a golf club. Has that happened to you or a golfing buddy?

Somewhere I read a statistic from 10 years ago. There was over 39,000 golf injuries treated in emergency rooms back in 1995! Wow! That's unbelievable! How about all the injuries that weren't reported or that were treated by the golfer himself? Or how about the chronic golf injuries the golfer 'lives with' just to be able to play golf?

These are numbers from 10 years ago! I wonder what they are now? I'm here to tell you golf is a physical sport and without the proper training, you'll be added to that number mentioned above.

I don't think it's a tough sell to say that participating in a golf strength and flexibility program will help you avoid a golf injury.

About The Author: Mike Pedersen is one of the top golf fitness experts in the country, author of the Ultimate Golf Fitness Guide, and founder of several cutting-edge online golf fitness sites. Take a look at his just released golf fitness dvds and manual at his golf swing tips site - Perform Better Golf.

Golf Teaching Aids - A Quick Review

by Terry Edwards
When it comes to golf teaching aids there is no shortage to pick from. There are golf training aids available for every aspect of your golf game. From having a proper stance to dropping the last putt, there is something to help anyone. The best advice here is to not get confused. Purchase a golf training aid that help cure a particular problem area of your golf game. Here are a few of the proven golf teaching aids that will help everyone's golf game.

The Power Stance Trainer

This golf training aid is great if you have problems shifting your weight during your golf swing, or can't seem to get yourself properly aligned, etc. Having the proper alignment as well as shifting your weight correctly is vitally important to your golf swing. It helps you hit the ball to where you're aiming and also produces power. This is one of the only golf training aids on the market that addresses the importance of your lower body in your golf swing.

The Impact Ball

This golf teaching tool will help you square the clubface during impact with the golf ball, as well as help you gain more distance on every shot. The Impact Ball fits between your arms as you swing the golf club. If you swing properly the Impact Ball will stay between your arms and not fall down. It trains your swing in creating the perfect alignment between your body, your hands, and your wrists during impact. This is a very good golf training aid to own.

Medicus Dual Hinge Driver/Iron

The Medicus driver has been around for some time now, and with good reason. It works! When properly used, the Medicus dual hinge driver will help give you the perfect perfect golf swing. This golf training aid is one of simplicity. If you swing the club correctly, the hinge will not break. If you don't, the hinge will break, and you will know your golf swing is not on plane and in rhythm. This golf teaching tool will also eliminate a slicing problem in your game.

The Speed Stik

Endorsed by professional golfer Vijay Singh, the Speed Stik will help increase the power and speed of your golf swing. This golf training aid is a 25 oz golf shaft with a built in swing speed gauge to let you know your swing speed immediately. You can track your progress as you continue practicing with the Speed Stik. It will also help you strengthen the muscles that are used during your golf swing. The Speed Stik is simple to use and by practicing with it on a regular basis, it will give you increased distance on every shot.

The Inside Approach

This golf training aid is endorsed and used by Jack Nicklaus. This piece of equipment sits over the top of your golf ball and teaches you where the club head needs to be swung in order to correctly hit the golf ball. It will help you to make solid contact and also increase your driving distance. This golf training aid will also help to cure any problems with slicing or hooking the golf ball.

Wrist Firm

This is one of the best golf teaching aids available for learning to keep your wrists firm during your golf swing. The Wrist Firm helps keep your lead wrist flat and firm during impact. It will also help keep your trailing wrist from breaking down, which can cause you to pop up the ball and rob you of any distance. Another benefit of this wonderful golf training aid is that it will help you keep your wrists firm while putting.

The Swing Jacket

This golf teaching tool is actually a swing jacket that you wear that will keep your arms locked with your body. The result of this action is that arms will swing with your body instead of separating and causing offline, and off center golf swings. The Swing Jacket will help you feel what a proper swing should be like. Using this golf training aid will give you increased power and accuracy.

These are just a few of the many different golf teaching aids available on the market today. Each one can easily help you improve your golf game by giving a more correct swing, along with more distance. Isn't that something that us weekend golfers are always looking for?

Terry Edwards offers FREE tips and information on golf training aids and hot new products at

Tips On How To Buy Golf Accessories

by Jim Johnson
There is a seemingly endless supply of golf accessories on the market today, and more are coming out all the time. But which ones are good investments, and which are a waste of time? Well, let's discuss some of the golf accessories that have proven themselves to be most useful.

Very high on the list of the most useful golf accessories are golf books and videos. Of course, there are countless books and videos on the subject of golf to choose from. But for those that are just beginning, or for those that want to improve their game, books and videos can be a great aid in learning how to play the game better. It's always best to take golf lessons from a qualified pro who can analyze your particular swing characteristics and help you correct mistakes that you're making. But having some golf books and videos that you can also look at and study on your own can be beneficial as well. The advantage that books and videos have is that they can give you step-by-step diagrams and images that can make learning the game so much easier. So why not ask your golf instructor for his recommendation on the best golf books and videos to use along with his personal instruction?
Golf gloves have been in use for many years, and they have a very beneficial use for most golfers. It's obvious that the golf swing introduces quite a bit of torque in the body during the backswing, and it's very easy for your hands to lose good contact with the club while going through the backswing. A good golf glove can help prevent the club from twisting in your hand as you swing, helping you maintain a more consistent swing every time. When looking for a golf glove its usually best to stick with a leather glove, and one that is water repellent.

Knowing the distance to the golf pin from where you are on the course is one of the most difficult things for newer golfers to master. But these days, you can buy a golf range finder to help you calculate the exact distance to the flag every single time. Usually these range finders come in a binocular design and use a laser beam to calculate the distance to the flagstick. So if you happen to be terrible at guessing distances, a good golf range finder can be a worthwhile investment.

One of the most useful golf accessories that you can buy is a good set of golf clubhead covers. As your clubs travel in your golf bag they often bang against one another, and it's very easy for them to actually damage the club faces when they do. Having a good set of club head covers can solve that problem easily and quickly, protecting your irons and woods from knicks and scratches along the way.

Golf swing software can also be beneficial for many golfers, helping them break down each segment of their swing and analyze it carefully. Many golf analyzer software programs will even allow you to compare your swing with some of the pros, giving you a good example of what you want your swing to look like as you make improvement. All you have to do is capture the video of your golf swing, and then use the golf swing software to make the analysis.

The game of golf is meant to be both fun and challenging at the same time, and there are plenty of golf accessories that meet that criteria too. Hopefully the list of accessories mentioned above will help you be able to improve your game as well.

You can find discount golf apparel and golf swing software by visiting our Golf Tips website.

Golf Muscles - Timing - Golf Mechanics: The Key To A Powerful Golf Swing

by George Gabriel
Golf swing power is truly sought after by many golfers short and tall. A powerful golf swing can be easily accomplished if you're standing 6ft tall over the golf ball. Knowing the right mechanics of the golf swing, along with the right timing is essential. If you take two golfers of the same height, the exact same swing, same golf club and ball, the results in distance would probably be the same. If you take the same scenario and one golfer is approximately 6ft. tall, and the other approximately 5ft. tall, the advantage would be to the taller person. You're probably saying, no kidding Sherlock. A taller person creates a longer and bigger swing span, which in turn generates more club head speed. Unleashing a huge drive can be monstrous if all golf mechanics and timing are in sync for a fairly tall person. So how does a shorter golfer stand to compete?

The answer would probably lie in the golf muscles of a shorter golfer. It doesn't necessarily mean you have to go out and bench press 400 lbs everyday. By exercising your upper and lower golf muscles two or three times a week, you can make a world of difference. The golf muscles that need to be exercised would be the legs, thighs, and whole upper portion of the body. The upper portions of the body are the main coil of the golf swing, with the arms and wrist getting the most exercise. As these same muscles are used most to guide and control the weight of the golf club through the motion of the golf swing. The lower portion of the body is strengthened to reinforce the upper portion of the golf swing. There are many books and videos on the Internet that address these exercises.

Golfers that prefer to exercise outdoors and are not sure of the appropriate exercises to use should take the exercise out on the practice range hitting golf balls. By hitting golf balls at the practice range, you will be exercising the important golf muscles naturally, and greatly improve your golf swing at the same time. Have you heard of golf muscle memory? It is a part of the brain that remembers a movement. Putting it another way, have you felt a muscle say, stop right there? This same part of the brain will tell moving parts of your body how far you can take it, so you do not injure yourself. It also signals for the timing of certain muscles to kick in and take over, if your latter part of the brain were paying attention. It would also remember good habits and bad habits in the golf swing. One must be careful in their practice routine on avoiding the bad habits. Practicing regularly will exercise these certain muscles and train them for further swing improvement in proper moves and timing. Your golf muscles will take the golf mechanics and timing to a higher level of power by exercising them over and over again.

With regular exercise and practicing the golf mechanics and timing of the golf swing, both short and tall players can compete on the same level. To out distance your taller competitors, it would help to pack a few extra pounds of golf muscle behind your golf swing. The same would apply for the taller golfer to stay ahead of the crowd.

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Your No. 1 Golf Swing- Golf Tips

by Don Halloran
Most golfers have a great golf swing. Unfortunately, that great No. 1 golf swing only occurs when they take a practice swing. There should be some magic solution that we could accomplish getting our great practice swings to be duplicable when we are out on the course hitting the real shots.

Almost all of the professionals have accomplished this and their real swings are as good as the practice swings.

There are several tips that I found useful in getting my real golf swings to be as good as my practice swings:

1- Take a beautiful practice golf swing before you are ready for the real swing and try to duplicate it into your real golf swing.

2- Concentrate on one thing only during your real golf swing rather allowing multiple things to clutter your mind during the real swing.

3- Focus on the target area rather than the ball on the real golf swing.

4- Relax your muscles prior to making your real golf swing.

5- Have someone take a video of your practice golf swing vs. your real golf swing and you might learn something from it.

Remember these golf tips if you want to get your real golf swing to be as good as your practice swing and improve your golf score.

Practice making perfect practice swings and then convert them to your No. 1 real golf swings on your next round of golf.

Don Halloran is dedicated to making everyone have a more enjoyable and better golf experience.
Don is not a professional golfer but has accumulated many tips through his years of golfing through many lessons and books to share with fellow golfers.

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Why Tiger Woods' Golf Swing Technique Is So Effective

by Ian Franklin
Golf sensation Tiger Woods' golf swing technique has been the subject of many interesting studies.

One thing that has come out very clearly from this leading golfer's style and his golf swing technique is his amazing flexibility and high fitness level which have contribute tremendously to his golf career. A career that has seen him crowned in the minds of many as the undisputed greatest golfer in the history of the sport.

The Tiger Woods golf swing technique sees Wood utilizing his flexibility at the back of his swing to comfortably reach far back.

As he begins his swing, his level of fitness and muscle strength enables him to build up club head velocity by turning his torso quickly and pressing his right leg forward. There is minimal waste of energy as he maintains his position above the golf ball.

Driving through, Woods uses his hips, shoulders and wrists to concentrate his force and create a high initial ball speed. Research has shown that within a few feet off the tee, the ball is usually traveling at about 180 miles per hour. The average tour pro usually manages only 160 miles per hour.

If you have carefully watched woods and his golf swing technique, you will note that he usually allows the club head's momentum to extend his follow-through far around his back, thus completing a long and smooth club-head rotation.

Tiger's golf swing technique cannot possibly be achieved by somebody who is not physically fit or somebody who does not work out regularly. In fact achieving an effective golf swing technique these days requires conditioned muscles that will enable you to perform consistently and at your best.

Gone are the days when golf was viewed as a leisure sport where players would move around the course in electric golf cars to avoid breaking into a sweat of any kind.

This is not to say that a good golf swing technique calls for rigorous golf strength exercising and golf stretching. Actually, most of the critical golf-specific exercises involve stretches. There is also the lifting of light weights to build specifically on strength rather than muscle.

Clearly golf-specific exercises are the only way to develop a good golf swing technique.

Ian is a pro golfer. Learn more about this spetacular golf and get discounts for some products.

A Golf Fitness Tip Must Focus On The Golf Swing

by Mike Pedersen
There is no way that you can separate a good golf fitness tip from a good well executed golf swing. The golf swing is the most strenuous aspect of the game and a good golf fitness tip is one that helps you improve on your golf swing.
The basics of a proper golf swing are universal. A proper golf swing actually consists of three separate segments that every golfer should work on in their efforts to develop and improve their golf swing. A good golf fitness tip must be able to help a golfer achieve this objective.
The three segments of a golf swing are the backswing, the downswing and finally the impact and follow-through.
A useful golf fitness tip should be able to help as you carefully work on each of the three segments separately in an effort to get the right positions and movements. This is how golfers work on improving their golf swings.
Every proper golf swing starts at the legs and the hips and not the arms where many golfers place most of their attention and emphasis. This is precisely the reason why proper exercising that is golf-specific usually has such a huge impact on most people in terms of dramatically improving their golf games.
A good golf fitness tip can address any of the golf muscles involved in this particular part of the golf swing.The golf fitness tip can also address golf conditioning. Golf conditioning exercises have the effect of preparing the individual muscles and parts of the body used in a golf swing, so that your movements and follow-through come almost effortlessly and as naturally as possible. Without exercise, the proper golf swing movements only work to strain unprepared, weak and therefore tense muscles.
Although golf has always been viewed as a leisure sport, the truth of the matter is that the modern golf player has to condition his body and muscles in many parts of his body, not just arms.
Golf fitness tips can play a major role in improving the golf swing.

About The Author: Mike Pedersen is one of the top golf fitness experts in the country, author of the Ultimate Golf Fitness Guide, and founder of several cutting-edge online golf fitness sites. Take a look at his just released golf fitness dvds and Manual at