How To Grip A Golf Club

by Mike Singh
After you have mastered a good swing, the next most important lesson in golf is to have a good grip of the club. While many golfers spend months and even years working on their swing, constantly improving it, making it better and more controlled, many forget that a very good way to begin improving their golf game is to work on their grip.

By putting a little work into developing a good golf grip, by holding the golf club correctly, you can seriously improve your game. In fact there are many great golfers who maintain that it is really impossible to improve your golf, even your swing in isolation, unless you first work on your grip and get that down. And the good news is that it is relatively easy to start working on your grip and making the simple improvements that are possible. Then straightaway, without even knowing it or noticing how it has happened, you will begin to see an immediate improvement in your game and in your swing.

An important point to remember is that in golf everything is connected. It is impossible to perfect one part of your game without improving the others, and when you put work into any one single aspect of your game, you will also begin to notice subtle changes and improvements in the rest of your game that will make you a better player. This is why it is so important to put effort into improving your golf grip and not neglecting it while you concentrate on other seemingly more important parts of your game such as your golf swing.

The first thing to remember with a good golf grip is to keep your hands relaxed. Relaxed hands mean that you can have a good grip while maintaining flexibility. This will stop your swing from becoming rigid and will allow you to make subtle variations at any part of the swing that are necessary to succeed.

The second thing to remember is to keep your hands dry. Some golfers like to use a glove to make sure their hand does not get sweaty. Any slippage and you will completely lose control of the skill and of where you are positioning the ball.

The final thing to remember with a golf grip is that once you have got control of your grip, you will have to move on and work on your skill. But this task should be a lot easier now that you are holding the club right.

Why Are We Releasing The Greatest Driver Golf Swing Tip?

by Eddy Kong WW
Every golfers whether they are professionals or amateurs wants a little secret or tip when it comes to a perfectly good golf swing. They are searching for that "holy grail" of golf.

Well, the greatest driver golf swing tip ever to get out is that there is no secret tip or technique that can make you the best golfer on the planet Earth; if there was don't you think everyone would be playing in the PGA. Everybody would be like Tiger Woods.

What is the hardest club in the bag?

Every golfer knows that the driver is perhaps the hardest club in the bag to use because it's the biggest club you have which makes it very intimidating mentally and physically. Therefore, the golfer needs lots of strength to lift it in order to execute a good golf swing.

A golf swing tip is that golf is a sport and for most sports you have to have some kind of physical conditioning. This doesn't mean that you have to look like Arnold Schwarzenegger in his youth to hit that tiny little ball, but you need to be in good form.

Good form is another good driver golf swing tip.

How to achieve good form?

There is a price to pay when it comes to have good form in golfing. If you don't have good form then the game is over and the only way to achieve good form is to practice a technique that is taught to you by a qualified golf instructor.

You don't have to pay millions of dollars to get good instructions, most of your public golf courses have instructors to help you out and for around twenty-five bucks a lesson that's not a bad deal. Remember, unless you are on a shoe-string budget, then hiring a freelance instructors would definitely saves you lots of time.

You should only need a few lessons and once you learn the basic technique, practice that technique until you can hit the ball off the tee. Also the instructor will have some valuable driver swing tips that you can apply as you progress in your golfing skills.

Some basic tips.

The first driver golf swing tip is to warm up before going to the first tee. If you have ever played the game of golf or watched the game then you have seen the tee shot and you know that the golf swing in not the most natural move a body can make.

The pro's can make it look so easy and graceful but they have years of experience and practice. They have conditioned their bodies for the swing. So warm up first, stretch the "golf" muscles before the first swing.

Some basic simple exercises.

Arm circles are a great way to warm up the shoulder muscles. Toe touches for the lower back and hamstrings. Mid section twist; hold a golf club (doesn't matter which one) on top of your shoulders and with your feet about shoulder length apart slowly twist your mid section as far as you can to one side hold for a few seconds and do the other side. Do this a couple of times.

After the Warm-up

After you warm up don't let the body cool down do some stretches on the course to keep the "golf" muscles warm. This doesn't mean that you have to run around the course while waiting for your turn, it simply means that while you are waiting for your chance on the tee take out your driver and swing it at about fifty percent of what you would normally swing off the tee.
This exercise is efficient enough to keep the body from getting stiff while waiting your turn.
That's why it is rather important to have warm up exercises before the actual session, besides have good form, you also will minimize back injuries as you are aware that the driver is the hardest club in your bag.

Eddy has a site which shares his articles on how to in golf training. Get his FREE articles at Golf Swing Tip for more information.

What Makes A Great Golf Swing

by Reggie Dunn

Think about the following questions. What makes a good golf swing and why are some people able to do it while others cannot? The major part of the answer lies in how you engage yourself off the golf course. It may surprise you to know what a little effort it can take to bring your golf swing to the next stage. What follows now are some easy to do tips that are sure to improve your golf swing and make you score big time. They could show the dissimilarity between shooting three digits and shooting in the 90s or for that matter, even 80s. 1. Do warm up exercises to stretch your muscles before you go off to tee

In case you have been to a live pro golf event, you will know that the golfers do not just make an arrival at the course and then run off to the tee box. On the contrary they head off to the driving range, stretch for sometime and then hit some balls. We know that warming up positively effects your body and you do better at your golf swing. You will thank yourself if you make it a point to reach the golf course a little earlier, relax your muscles and take a few swings. 2. At times when you are off the course exercise your golfing muscles

You need to carve out a simple workout routine for the muscles utilized during your golf swing so that you become a good player. You can expect a huge impact on your game if you get into the habit of doing this even 10 minutes every day.

3. Don't swing for the fences just yet

It is a known fact that for good golf you absolutely need to have mental strength and holding back the temptation to give your swing the extra push is a difficult task. But the truth is you must have that control to have a good golf swing. If you can successfully control it then giving that little extra is great. But if you cannot, perhaps you will never lay your eyes on that ball again. The thing that you need to understand is that you can uniformly hit the ball more than 200 yards with a good, smooth and controlled swing.

4. Take suggestions from the veterans

In contemporary times you do not need to pay exorbitant amounts for a personal golf instructor to help you out with the game. At a negligible cost you can get your hands on plenty of good golf instruction material available through the web. When managing your deficiencies, internet-based golf lessons can be really fruitful.

Reggie Dunn is a long time golf player and lover of the game. Get more information about golf at his blog, which can be found at golf swing

Clubhead Speed or Power, Which Comes First in the Golf Swing?

by Sean Cochran

A question for the ages in relation to the golf swing. Golfers around the world are familiar with the term clubhead speed. It is the rate at which the golf club is traveling at impact with the golf ball. Golfers are also familiar with the term power. They know that power is directly related to clubhead speed. Knowing the connection between the two, which comes first?

Clubhead Speed and Power in the Golf Swing

Take a moment to answer the question; which comes first, clubhead speed or power?
Write down your answer and continue reading. Before we answer this question, let us do a quick review of both clubhead speed and power.

Clubhead Speed

Again, we understand that clubhead speed is the rate at which the clubhead is moving at impact with the golf ball. The development of clubhead speed is a resultant of your golf swing mechanics. It is essentially a summation of the entire process of the golf swing, beginning with address, moving through the backswing, into transition, onto the downswing, and completing with impact.

The paragraph above should answer the question of which comes first; clubhead speed or power? Clubhead speed is the resultant of power development with the mechanics of the golf swing.

The next question we want to ask is about power:

How is Power Developed in the Golf Swing?

Power is a combination of two entities:

1. Golf Swing Mechanics

2. Body

Your golf swing mechanics is the efficiency at which you perform the golf swing. Essentially, the golf swing can be broken down into the stages. These stages are;

Address, Backswing, Transition, Downswing, Impact, and Follow Through
Each of these stages within the golf swing can be performed efficiently or inefficiently. PGA Tour players tend to perform the mechanics of the golf swing very efficiently, where as the 30 handicapper performs them very inefficiently.

If the mechanics within each stage of the golf swing are efficient. The creation of power and transfer of this power into clubhead speed is at a greater percentage.

On the flip side, if each stage is performed inefficiently. The amount of power developed and transferred into clubhead speed becomes a low percentage.

The first key in power development and the generation of clubhead speed is golf mechanics.

Efficient Golf Swing Mechanics = Greater Power Development and Clubhead Speed

Once we understand that efficient golf swing mechanics equals more power and clubhead speed. We can turn our attention to the "support structure" of your golf swing.

The Body

The body is what drives the golf swing. It is your skeleton, muscles, and nerves performing the mechanics of the golf swing. As a result, your body has a direct affect on how much power you generate in your golf swing.

The mechanics of golf swing requires certain levels of:


Optimal levels within these body categories allow for the possibility of performing the mechanics of the golf swing at their most efficient levels.

For example, a full shoulder in the backswing is necessary for optimal power development. In order to perform a full shoulder turn, you must have a high level of flexibility.

If you are lacking the flexibility to perform a shoulder turn it will affect the amount of power you can generate.

Bottom line the body is the foundation on which the golf swing is developed.
If you have a weak foundation, you will have a weak golf swing.

Efficient Golf Swing Mechanics + A Strong, Flexible, and Powerful Body = Clubhead Speed
We now know clubhead speed is a product of power development in the golf swing. Power development within your golf swing is contingent upon two entities. The first entity is your golf swing mechanics. Performing the mechanics of the golf swing efficiently elicits more power. Secondly, it is the body. Optimal power development requires certain levels of flexibility, balance, strength, endurance, and power within the body. Put these two entities together and you have the ability to generate high levels of clubhead speed within your golf swing.

Sean Cochran is one of the most recognized golf fitness instructors in the world today. He travels the PGA Tour regularly with 2005 PGA & 2004 Masters Champion Phil Mickelson. He has made many of his golf tips, golf instruction and golf swing improvement techniques available to amateur golfers on the website To contact Sean, you can email him at

Mastering the Golf Swing

by Lee Collins
You don't have to understand all the ins and outs of the golf swing in order to play well, but it certainly will help.

A person usually cannot pick up a golf club for the first time and swing it with perfection.

But, the body can learn the correct way to swing a golf club.

One gotcha is to be sure to NOT lift your head to view the alignment of the club face during the back swing and/or downswing.

The best focusing points for a consistent swing are:

1) efficient golf swing mechanics and
2) the body.

By keeping your joints supple and flexible, you could help ensure the length of your golf swing and even your club head speed.

Golf Swing Mechanics and Your Body

In order to learn efficient golf swing mechanics, the golf swing has to match your body's ability.
The ability to maintain your body in the correct "balanced" position, while going through your golf swing, requires intense neuromuscular control.

Training muscles involved in the golf swing, particularly the lower body and torso muscles, helps to hit the ball a greater distance.

The key is to play with optimal golf swing mechanics to reduce stress on your spine. If you ignore either the body or the mechanics, it would be safe to say that your golf swing and game will suffer.

It is also important to mention that the motion of a golf swing, if done incorrectly, can cause injuries in many parts of the body.

Injuries to the key muscle groups used in the golf swing can be significantly lowered by improving flexibility.
Remember Your Posture

Your posture sets the tone for an unobstructed, free-flowing and uncomplicated golf swing.
Every error in your posture magnifies itself throughout your golf swing, and nowhere is that more amplified than on the backswing.

Look at your posture.

Proper posture allows you to make the golf swing and protect your back. You should focus to physically try to stay in your golf posture until the end of your swing.

Finally, The Swing

Without question the golf swing is one of the most important aspects about the game of golf.
Timing is the key to a great swing.

The set-up is the first crucial part of golf swing timing. If your swing is off, the golf ball could fall too short or go too far.

Allow your eyes to go to the ball to begin your swing. Remember your posture and your stance.
Now the backswing. The backswing does not hit the golf ball, but this does not mean that executing a good backswing is not important.

All of the motion ties into one another. It can be hard to master, as the golf swing is not a natural motion for most people.

But practicing and focusing on key aspects will go a long way to improving your swing.
Remember your body is one of these key aspects.

A strong lower back is critical to making an effective turning motion in the golf swing. And don't rush into it. Never try to hit a golf ball until your swing is second nature.

Now that We Have the Basics, How to Improve

Practice, practice and more practice. This doesn't necessarily mean time spent every day, but it does mean to focus on all the key aspects each time you do practice.

Two aspects require tuning and development of you wish to improve the power in your golf swing; timing and form.

You can work on drills to improve your golf swing timing, always remembering to start with a solid setup. In regard to form, powerful abdominals will improve posture at the address and help to prevent lower-back pain associated with the golf swing.

Also, by working on your stance and finishing position, your golf swing is on its way to giving you a perfect game.

Maintaining Power

As time goes on you may be losing your ability to produce power in your golf swing.

An inefficient golf swing decreases the amount of power delivered to golf swing. Great players attest that focussing on proper body stance and a smooth, focused swing maximizes your power and develops an athletic golf swing with perfect balance.

Many things go into playing a great game of golf, none as important as having the proper golf swing and body form.

This will not just increase your ability in the game, but also your enjoyment.
Lee Collins is an avid golf enthusiast who has improved his golf game tremendously in a very short time using the "How to Break 90 in 3 Easy Lessons" system available only at

Improve your golf swing

by Linda A
Improve your golf swing

Magazines, online web pages and special golf schools provide tips and solutions for beginners who want to Improve their golf swing . Probably the best important move that rules the golf game is the swing. How can you actually improve your golf swing? There are several ways to do so, but they all share one common element: practice. It also very much depends on where you learn golf: in an organized environment as a course or simply on your own as a hobby. In case you are part of a professional program, you may improve your golf swing sooner than you may expect it.

Your trainer will show you how to balance the body weight and move it from one foot to the other in order for you to improve your golf swing. It is important that you feel the stroke with your body as a whole, as its force very much depends on the ability to hit with the centre of the club and imprint the desired direction to the ball. Part of the practice to improve your golf swing involves the control of your eye focus. Very many golf players find it difficult in the beginning to focus on the flight line.

Ask your personal trainer how to improve your golf swing by also controlling mind focus. Very many tips you find online refer to self-control; once you stop worrying and thinking about the success of your move, you?l actually act on reflex which is far more natural. On the other hand if you?e trying to improve your golf swing at home it would be not such a bad idea to have someone record you executing the move. Thus you may analyze the way the body responds to the situation and learn what you should avoid in order to improve your golf swing.

You?e explicitly explained how to grip the club, how to keep the feet close to one another for a short shot, how to move your head to the right a little and so on, true skills only come with personal effort. You can improve your golf swing in a matter of days if you learn how to control the right balance. With just a little effort and lots of fun you?l improve your golf swing.

Linda A owns and operates http://golflessons-for/-