Professional Golf Swings

by Ken Wilssens

To watch a professional's golf swing is to watch a thing of beauty. The difference between most weekend warriors and a professional is the pro knows every aspect of their swing.

A professional golf swing takes years upon years to hone. A professional will practice the motion of their swing daily. They need to practice so much because, unlike most of us, they need to know their clubs, the distance of each club and what each type of swing will do for them. The professional can take a 5 iron, turn the face of the club 1/16 of an inch, then take a three 1/4 swing and know that the ball is going 220 yards with a slight fade.

A pro has a consistence swing. They have a pre-shot routine that they will do every time. Most get their club from their caddy. Put their grip on the club, most pros use an overlapping grip.
They will then stand behind the ball, this gives them time to focus and get a mental picture of the shot they want to use.

Once they have committed to the shot, they will come to the side of the ball and take a practice swing or two. At this point, they are not trying to think about or change anything in their swing. They are just trying to "feel" the shot.

They are now ready to pull the trigger. They get their proper stance, which is critical. If your stance is off, so is your balance, which, in turn, will give you less club head speed, diminishing your distance. They take the club back on line. They will have a large arc from the beginning of the swing to the top of the back swing by keeping their hands as far away from their body as possible. At the top of the swing they will have "loaded" the swing. The left foot remains flat on the ground, the weight has now gathered to the right heel. The right knee is still flexed. The left shoulder is turned under the chin. The wrists are cocked. All the while keeping the head still. The clubface is square at the top. (Description is for the right handed, reverse for lefties.)

The down swing begins with a weight shift, back to the left. The club comes down, then through the line. When starting down, the wrists are still cocked. They will then unload everything, perfectly timed, at the bottom of their swing. The ball has no choice but to go and go far.

Any pro will tell you that practice is the most important thing you can do to acquire a repeatable swing. There are no short cuts to getting a professional golf swing. They practice; they analyze every aspect, and every inch of their swing. They also get a lot of help from their instructors and caddies. If you are going to try to emulate a professional's golf swing, make sure you pick one who is similar to your body type.

For lots of information on effective golf swings and related topics, visit A1 Golf Swing Info at

Gaining the Correct Golf Swing Plane

by Glenn Boulton

The golf swing plane is the direction that your golf club travels during your swing. This is a very important key to playing golf correctly and well. Imagine a sheet of glass that extends from the ball to over your shoulders. A correct swing plane will run a path parallel to the glass.

To see if you are swinging correctly, you need to establish if you have a correct swing plane. Here are some swing plane golf tips. One of the easiest ways to analyze your swing plane is have someone film you. This will enable you to analyze your swing plane to make sure it is flattened.

Place a pencil across the television screen when analyzing to make sure you are parallel with the imaginary piece of glass from the ball to over your shoulders. A swing trainer can also help you with your swing plane. It is a circular pipe device that is adjustable and custom built for each golfer. It is easy to use and it will help you to correct your swing plane with each swing.

A more high tech way to assist you in correcting your swing plane is a laser light that fits onto the end of the club handle. This light shows where the butt of the club is pointing to help you analyze your swing plane. Don't try to force the club into the correct swing plane. It will take time and practice to develop the correct swing plane on a consistent basis.

Try one of theses tips to analyze your swing plane and practice to make it a sound and correct

Glenn Boulton is webmaster and publisher of Golf-Swing.Sportz-Online.Com He presents reviews, information, and tips for improving your game on his website.

Instantly Improve Your Golf Swing

by Timothy Gorman

So you need a little help with your golf swing. This article will give you some tips that may help with golf swing improvement. Golf swing improvement is an important consideration when you are serous about the game.

Golf swing improvement tip

#1: You need to have self confidence.

Without self-confidence the likelihood of golf swing improvement is not very good.Golf swing improvement tip

#2: Don't worry about what others think or say about your golf swing. Think about how you feel about your swing and then work to improve it.Golf swing improvement tip

#3: Develop a positive attitude about your golf swing.Golf swing improvement tip

#4: You may not feel relaxed but you can learn to play whether you are relaxed or not.Golf swing improvement tip

#5: If you have problems with your left knee buckling when you swing, try imagining that you are holding a basketball between your knees.Golf swing improvement tip

#6: Don't swing too quickly. Figure out a rhythm and stick with it.Golf swing improvement tip

#7: Remember to use the muscles in your legs and trunk. Using your wrists only will not produce the swing you need.Golf swing improvement tip

#8: If it is breezy it is not going to do you any good to hit the ball harder. Try hitting the ball lower.Golf swing improvement tip

#9: Work on a golf swing that has good balance and a very smooth tempo.Golf swing improvement can occur with a little mental and physical work.

Timothy Gorman is a successful Webmaster and publisher of He provides more golf swing and golf putting tips that will improve your golf game and lower your golfing score.

The golf swing lesson

by Golf Swing Guru

For anyone who wants to play golf, swing lessons are usually a must; it's like you can't do without, since the correct movement is the very basis of this game. Before you start a golf swing lesson as such you need to ask and answer a fundamental question. What do you intend to do in the golf swing or what is the achievement you're after? There should be square impact in the line of flight and along the one you intended in the first place. The golf swing lessons will teach you how to control the body moves so that the ball follows a well planned trajectory.

The best definition of the swing is found in professional books that provide golf swing lessons. It is explained as the movement that makes the head of the club swing along and into the intended line of flight throughout impact. You will thus learn how to propel the ball in a straight way between two points. The golf swing lesson tackles with the starting point, the targeted area and the movement that is meant to unite the two. Make sure the club-face remains square to that line. Follow your trainer's example during the golf swing lesson, imitation engenders good learning.

The most important part of a golf swing lesson is to actually understand and apply the theoretical knowledge. If you keep the club-head square to the line of impact and drive the ball forward for as long a time as possible you actually meet the main principles and goals of a practical golf swing lesson. If the shot is accurate, the ball will be able to maintain its correct direction in the wind, which will definitely lead to low scores. If you manage to correctly use these golf swing lesson tips you can move on to finding out new stuff.

The most frequent mistake players make during golf swing lessons is to start the downswing by moving the shoulders first while keeping their feet motionless. The correct move - as the trainer will insist during the golf swing lesson - starts from the feet upwards. This means that the shoulders will be the last to move. If you manage to control this aspect, you may acquire great results, so do your best to get everything out of any golf swing lesson, since this is the ABC of golf playing as such!

Unlock Your Hidden Potential by Discovering the Golf Swing Tips that is Delivering Consistent, Accurate Distance to thousands of golfers world-wide. No other golf swing tips method provides hard proof like this!

Why You Should Consider Online Golf Lessons?

by Alex Fir

Online golf lessons are one of the fast effective ways to learn golf strategies and techniques. Improving your golf game while discovering your best potential is an excellent reason to use online golf lessons.

Finding the best website for online golf lessons is pretty easy. There are lots of highly regarded websites from which to select. Also there are varied means in which to use the lessons offered. Online golf lessons include tips on how to improve specific aspects of your golf game. Usually on the majority of websites, an overall generalization is provided so that you can see the broad scope of golf. This happens at first and as you gain more direct knowledge toward where your golf game suffers you can find personalized information.

There are also helpful information about stance, follow through of an effective swing and the finer points of swing analysis. Online golf lessons can even include time and effort geared toward the mental aspect of the game. As we know golf is a competitive sport in which you are competing against other golfer, the course and most importantly yourself.

In most cases, online golf lessons are offered on a free basis and are simply included in your favorite golf website. In some cases you may find golf lessons that are presented in acrobat reader formatting and are downloaded at a minimal cost to you. Payment is made in a secure fashion with a credit card. Shopping around for the most effective lessons for your level of interest is of greatest importance. This way you will keep costs down and find optimal help in areas where you most need it.

One big benefit from using online golf lessons to improve your golf skills is that you can learn the lessons at your leisure.

Visit Free Golf Tips website and learn proven tips for golf. You will also discover golf tips for beginners

Golf Swing Analysis Software for Perfecting Your Game

by Matt Robinson

When it comes to perfecting your golf game the style and technique of your swing may be the single most important aspect on which to focus. There are many instructional videos and software available to the general public that aid in perfecting a golf swing. Whether you are an amateur or a professional you can benefit from having your golf swing technique and style analyzed.

After all one main key to a successful golf game is your swing. The key to perfecting your swing is by analyzing your technique and style. Golf swing analysis can be achieved with the newest software available or with software that has been around and been proven time and again to create a better swing in all shapes and sizes of golfers.

Whether you are a serious die-hard golfer or a recreational weekend-warrior-type golfer there is golf swing analysis software that will help you discover where your swing might be going wrong. More importantly you will learn how to improve your swing so that your fullest potential will be met on the golf course.

With the newest technology available to you in software format there is no reason you should not be playing golf like the professionals. With a little patience and some hard work you will cause envy in your golf buddies with amazing stroke power and gentle control where needed. Easing your way from one hole to the next with grace and dignity that only comes from a solid golf swing.

Some software available will have instructions from your favorite golf professionals. Other software will use everyday golfers who are as eager as you to perfect their golf swing creating a notable difference in anyone's golf game in a matter of weeks. No matter which golf swing analysis software you choose to learn from the results will amaze even the most critical golf mate.

If you are looking for proven ways to improve your golf swing then look no further. Golf swing analysis software has brought golf lessons to your personal computer screen. With the help of your camcorder you will have an expert analysis of the critical key points that are involved in a single swing.

Software that improves golf swings with analysis information is user friendly in most cases and can even be found available as downloads. Free trials are frequently advertised, making the search for the perfect swing improvement tools easier to find.

Some of the incredible tools for imaging swings and readying those images for analysis are slow motion cameras and virtual comparison software. Seemingly endless technology-based analysis techniques are available to the general public. There is golf swing help for any caliber of golf participant and there is also software available for any budget.

Golf has gained in popularity in the last decade. This interest has grown due to the phenomenal participants in the public eye. Whether you have recently become a true fan of the sport or have always been a die-hard golf fanatic if you are ready to improve your golf swing, the latest technology software is the way to go.
Matt owns ultimate golf tips that helps people drop 7 to 10 shots per round of golf using analysis software for your golf swing

Improve Your Golf Swing Fundamentals And Watch Your Game Transform

By Mike Pedersen

Most golfers are aware that by focusing on the golf swing fundamentals, one by one, they stand the best chance of dramatically improving their game. This is because the golf swing fundamentals make up the golf swing which is at the heart of the game of golf.

Golf swing fundamentals are to be found in the three segments of a proper golf swing which are the backswing, the downswing and thirdly the impact and follow through.

The backswing is one of the important golf swing fundamentals because every shot begins here. If the backswing falls short, so will the resulting hit. At this stage, focus should be placed equally on body rotation and club and arm extension.Moving to the downswing as another golf swing fundamental, this movement actually starts in the legs and the hips, rather than the arm. There should be a clear transfer of body weight from back to front with the knees, thighs and hips all beginning to move forward. This should be the correct movement in every proper golf swing.

The impact and follow through are the golf swing fundamentals that complete the entire swing. At impact the body weight should be on the outside of the forward heel and the inside of the rear foot.The entire awkward movement of the golf swing is unnatural to the body and this is why the body resists and it becomes very difficult to develop all the smooth movements that go into the proper golf swing fundamentals.

Even endless practice may not be as effective in developing your body muscles in such a way that the golf swing fundamentals come as natural as possible. This is where exercise comes in to play a key role. Many golfers have successfully used golf-specific exercises and conditioning to improve their golf swing fundamentals.
About The Author: Mike Pedersen is one of the top golf fitness experts in the country, author of the Ultimate Golf Fitness Guide, and founder of several cutting-edge online golf fitness sites. Check out his new golf fitness - golf training site at Perform Better Golf.