Organize A Simple Golf Swing Clinic in Your Area

by Paul Ronston
Simple Golf has opened a golf school in Orlando where you can have one-on-one instruction or lessons in a small group.

Golfers of all levels are catered for and have achieved some amazing results with Simple Swing and many are hitting longer and straighter than ever before after only a few minutes instruction.

Whether you come to the Orlando school, have lessons with a certified Simple Swing teacher or attend a clinic you will learn not only how to hit a golf ball long and straight but also how to diagnose any problems you may have and quickly correct your swing. A simple golf swing review will improve your game tremendously

There are often Simple Swing Clinics organized in various area where many people can benefit at one time. If you want to organize a Simple Golf Swing Clinic in your area there are several steps necessary. The first thing to do would be to get a few of your friend together , at least 4 -5 who would be interested in the a Simple Swing Clinic, that will ensure the clinic is worth doing. The next thing to organize is somewhere to hold such a clinic, you will have to find a golf course or a driving range that also has a putting green so chipping can be taught as well as the full swing.

The beauty of finding a course or driving range willing to let the clinic be held there is it normally increases the number of people wanting to attend thus increasing the chances of the clinic being held.

Once you find a course or driving range plus 6 interested people things will start to happen quickly and you do not need to negotiate with course or driving range proprietors any further, this will be handled by Simple Swing Management, who will also arrange for the certified Simple swing instructors to come and teach at the clinic. The clinic will cater for all levels of golfer.

Getting people interested in a clinic should not present too much of a problem, speak to other members of your golf group, anyone else you play golf with. You could even include people you work with, other sporting or community groups as well as family and friends.
Organizing a clinic in your area is a great way to share what you already know and a Simple Golf Swing review is always a good way to improve that little bit more.

To learn more about how you can improve your golf game using Simple Golf Swing, be sure to visit Paul Ronston's review blog at