by Joseph Tierney
If only we all had the perfect golf swing, wouldn't that be nice? Too bad we don't - but hey, that is why I am here right? I have all kinds of great tips that you can use to make your golf swing better than you ever dreamed possible. You would be surprised to learn how many people don't really know what the proper golf swing is all about. Keep reading and test your knowledge!
First comes the grip, even if you have been playing for years there is a chance that you are not holding the golf club in the best fashion. People can pull off swings with things all out of whack but if you want to be good, I mean really good, you have to learn what makes a grip a good grip.
So, grab your club and hold it like you would if you were going to take a swing at the golf ball. How are your hands situated? Neither hand should be facing right down, this is vital to a good swing. Many people have their hands going in all directions and this leads to a very awkward swing indeed. You should have your hands to the side, similar to the way they would be facing if you were to be shaking someone hand. Your thumbs should be going in the same direction towards the head of the golf club with the only real spot of overlap there the backhands thumb is under the other hand a bit. Does that make sense? Having this correct grip will change the way that you play golf, just give it a try, it will take you far in learning the proper golf swing.
Another thing to remember is that the golf swing does not have to be one continuous motion. Most of the best golfers have a small pause at the top of their backswing. By taking that little break just before you begin your downswing you will be able to assure that your downswing is all that it can be. If you rush it and you go too fast then you are going to run into trouble and lose all control on the way down. This will lead to wild swings that get you nowhere in your game.
Then there are the body factors, the actual muscles and things of that nature. What many people do not realize is that there are a lot of muscles that go into playing golf, in fact if you are not careful you could even throw out your back. It may be tempting to use the wrists a lot when you swing that club but you need to understand that a good golf swing does not come from the writ, it comes from the legs and the trunk of your body. When you throw your whole body into the proper golf swing you are going to connect with the ball every time and you are going to find that your stroke is more powerful and more accurate than if you tried to simply strong arm the club.
The proper golf swing is made up of many little elements that all go together to make one perfect whole. By focusing on each of them you will be able to put them together like a fantastic puzzle t the end. This will leave you with a golf swing to die for and you will be the envy of everyone at the club, I guarantee it.
Joseph Tierney is a golfer and college student from Florida. You can find out more about improving your golf swing at Golf Swing Tips