The Simple Golf Swing Review

by Joseph Tierney
Let me start off by saying that I was extremely leary about buying something off of the internet to help improve my golf swing. And come on, "The Simple Golf Swing"? Everyone knows a perfect golf swing like Tiger Woods is anything but simple. After reading some of the testimonials and since the price of the book was so low (I spend more on golf balls) I decided to buy the book because it is 100% guaranteed - if it sucked I would just get a refund. One of the main reasons I decided to buy the book was because I don't have time to have a golf trainer or practice all the time. I surf pretty much any day there are waves in Florida, I go to college, and I have to keep my websites updated daily.

So I decided to buy the book and I spent a few hours reading it from front to back over and over. I decided I would just print the book out and bring it with me to the golf course in the morning so I didn't forget anything. After a short surf session with my friends, we drove across the street to our local golf course in Melbourne Beach, FL.

Let me just put it this way, my friends were amazed at my golf swings and were convinced that I had a personal golf trainer. The first day that I had tried out the tips that I got from the Simple Golf Swing I improved my handicap from a 17 to a 13. I improved my accuracy and distance hitting the golf ball as well. This was just my first time using the Simple Golf Swing tips and they were definetly helping my golf swing.

Two days later I went back to the course and had even better results. It was a rainy day, so I wanted to test out some more tips that were in the Simple Golf Swing book. My first tee I had a great hit even with the wetness of the ball and club. I have never had a ball fly this straight and high in the rain before.

Every hole after the first was the same. I would've never dreamed of making such solid contact thru 18 holes. The ultimate test came on the 5th hole where I'm sitting at 200 yards out in the middle of the fairway on an uphill par 4. I grab my 3 iron which still looks new from lack of use and I nail it within 15 feet of the hole. I wound up shooting 80 and the only reason that I was that high, was club selection between my sand and pitching wedge. I was getting so much action on my sand wedge that 3 times I hit the front of the green and it sucked right back off the green. That's the first time that has ever happened to me. To top things off my playing partner, seeing me hit so well, asked me what I'd changed. I gave him a brief lesson and within two holes he's hitting them a far and as straight as I've ever seen him.

I honestly recommend The Simple Golf Swing even if you already think you are Tiger Woods. A lot of people have had success with The Simple Golf Swing and you can read more testimonials on their website.

Joseph Tierney is a golfer and a surfer. To learn more about The Simple Golf Swing please visit The Simple Golf Swing Review

End Golf Swing Confusion Forever!

by Dori O'Rourke

End Golf Swing Confusion Forever!

We're in the information age, and when it comes to the golf swing, this often means information overload!

As new golfers, we start out believing that there is one right way to swing, only to find out that there are just about as many swing methods as there are instructors. It seems that the more we learn about the golf swing, the more our minds are filled with confusing, contradictory information.

Until now, if two respected golf professionals showed you two completely different ways to swing and both told you that their way was the right way, you would have been forced to make your best guess.

Maybe you would have chosen the information from the pro who was most well known, or the one you could play the best, or the one you listened to most recently. Regardless, with no solid way to choose one way over the other, you would be forced to go from one method to the next indefinitely.

The good news is there is now a proven way to determine which swing method is best for you. It's simple. It's easy. And, it works every time.

The secret is to start with impact!

While there are hundreds, or maybe even thousands of different swing methods, there is only one way the club needs to be at impact to hit a desired shot. If your club is in that position, you'll get the results you want. If it's not, you won't. It's that simple.

Impact is often called the moment of truth because it's the most important aspect of your golf swing. If you want to find your best swing, and end swing confusion forever, the secret is to relate every swing change to impact.

For example, if you want to know whether one set-up is better than another, figure out which one allows you to swing your club into the ideal position at impact in the easiest, most comfortable, most powerful way. If you want to know whether a flatter or a more upright backswing is best, notice which way makes it easiest for you to achieve the ideal impact position.

While there are numerous swing methods, there is only one way to swing that is the, easiest, most comfortable, and most powerful way for YOU! Trust that the swing that feels best is the right way to swing and you'll end swing confusion forever!

LPGA "Class A" Teaching Professional, Dori O'Rourke is a popular writer, teacher and speaker. Known to many as Coach Dori, her talks and writings have inspired and entertained golfers coast to coast for over 20 years. Learn more at or by calling (800) 743-4-FUN.

Perfect Golf Swing Is Within Reach

by Mike Pedersen
The perfect golf swing. Aren't we all look for it? Now the educating part. The perfect golf swing is not attainable! Did that get your attention? Let me say it one more time. The perfect golf swing is not attainable! Unless…you have a higher level of strength and flexibility specific to golf.

I know you've probably heard this before…but the question is…did you take it to heart? Or did you just shrug your shoulders and continue on the same frustrating path to your hopeful golf improvement?

When we break down the golf swing mechanically and physically…it's amazing to see what the body goes through when a near perfect golf swing is performed. There is an enormous amount of core strength and flexibility. Upper spine and low back strength. Then hamstring strength and flexibility. Shoulder stability from a rotation standpoint. Quad strength to maintain adequate knee flex and posture. I could go on and on.

Are you getting the picture?

To achieve a near perfect golf swing takes a physical approach. One that focuses on your current limitations and how it is affecting your swing. Once you realize what limitations are causing your swing faults…you'll be well on your way to a perfect golf swing.

How many times have you made an attempt at a golf swing only to fall off balance and mishit your shot badly? How your backswing? Have you tried and tried to make that 90 degree shoulder turn like your pro said, only to create such a tense and powerless you were ready to give up the game?

I'm here to tell you…you've got to change your approach if you want to achieve that perfect golf swing. Start with YOU and you're on your way!

About The Author: Mike Pedersen is one of the top golf fitness experts in the country, author and founder of several cutting-edge online golf fitness sites. Take a look at his just released golf fitness dvds and manual at his golf swing trainer site - Perform Better Golf.

Golf Clubs - Guide To Choosing The Right Clubs

by David Anthony
Without the right equipment, learning golf can be difficult. That is why choosing the right clubs for your particular body type is vitally important to your success as a golfer. Make sure that you choose the right clubs by not simply signing off on the standard set. The standard set is built for a certain "regular" body type but does not suit the needs of all golfers that try it. On the contrary, you need to ensure that you try out a lot of different sets so that you can get the one with the best support for your swing. Without the right set, your game can be drastically affected by an off-balance swing. The golf clubs are as distinctive as the person that carries them, so make the right choice.

So, where to begin then? Generally speaking you should be looking for a club that runs the length of your navel to the floor. This will be an estimate of the size of the club you are seeking. The good news is that you don't have to purchase multiple sets of clubs to find the set that fits you best. Most golf courses have a wide range of clubs available for rental purposes. The reason they have these rentals available is for the beginner who is looking to find their swing, so to speak. Not only should you rent various sizes of clubs; you should also rent different brands of equipment. Again, remember that while the length of the club will matter, perhaps there is a brand that makes a club that is more comfortable than another.

First, test your swing. Rent a set of clubs and set out to the driving range. Once you find a club that allows you to swing comfortably and confidently, take that set onto the course and play a few rounds. This is the time that you will want to evaluate whether you simply purchase that brand in the length that suits you, or if you want to have a set of clubs custom built. If you are a novice, and don't have a strong game, it may be slightly premature to have clubs customized. You need to at least have the basics down and be seeking improvement in your game to invest in custom clubs.

Customized clubs are unique to your size and your body type. Build affects swing, so if the clubs are made with your build and swing in mind, you will inevitably end up with the best possible clubs for your style. Customized clubs don't magically make you into a better golfer, though, so ensure that you are still keeping your eye on training and not expecting your club type to change the game. Customized clubs can improve what is already in place, however.

Professionals know about the decision making process better than anyone, so talking to them about what clubs will work best specifically for your body type is one of the best ways to make it happen. Make sure you get the equipment selection process right, as it is the primary element to getting the sport down pat and the best way to discover how to become a better golfer.

David Anthony is a writer and avid golfer, who has researched and collected a number of golf resources and guides at . You can find a wealth of information from golf training aids to better golf swing techniques.

David Anthony is a research writer and avid golfer, who provides excellent golf tips and advice. You can find great a source of information from golf club reviews to the best golf training aids at

The Simple Golf Swing Technique

by Charles
Are you tired of continually ending up in the hazards at your favorite course? By simplifying your golf swing you can greatly decrease your handicap and improve your enjoyment of the game.

Complexity is the killer of accurate, consistent golf. By simplifying the biomechanics involved with the swing you will be able to deliver the ball consistently to hole each and every time.

Minimal wrist action is a key factor in perfecting your golf swing. By reducing the angle of your wrist cock you will immediately see improvements in your ball distance and accuracy which will put you closer to the optimal golf swing.

By shortening the arm swing you are able to control the ball better than with the over swing that most players are burdened with. By keeping the arm swing short you force the head and upper body into correct spinal alignment allowing you to obtain the best golf swing technique.

Controling your rhythm, or fluidity, will make you considerably more consistent than any of the "rapid pull and release" techniques. You should make sure to keep your head and body steady as well as keeping your arms loose and fluid in order to get closer to the simplest golf swing technique.

By reducing the complexity of your swing you will move closer to your perfect game. By working on the three things above you will be about as close as you can get to the perfect, simple golf swing.

You will hit the ball farther and more accurately, not to mention more consistently. As a result you can lower your handicap and achieve the perfect, simple golf swing.

Did you find those tips on Simple Golf Swing Techniques useful? You can learn a lot more about how to lower your handicap and increase your consistency at Click Here! .
The Simple Golf Swing Technique

Golf Swing Series: A simple change in my grip

by Bill Maitland
There was a time when I used to hook all of my drives.

Can you identify with this? Do you hook or slice most of your drives? Then you hit a good one and if you could only know what you did to make such a perfect golf swing, you could get rid of your poor drives for ever.

My golf swing was OK, and still I hooked. Ok, so your swing is good too, yet you still hook or slice. Right?

A simple change in my grip was all it took to start hitting long and accurate drives.

I am willing to bet that is all it will take for you to start hitting accurate drives too.

What is this change I am talking about? A simple change to my grip, plus a simple change to my back swing which reinforced the consistency and accuracy I was searching for and my swing improved. I hit them straight down the middle most times now.

My aim is to help you with your golf swing and make your golf so enjoyable for you that you will find yourself counting the days until you have your next game.

Once you have made a minor change to your grip, and know how to divide your back swing into several parts to form a check list when you start to go badly during a round, your golf swing will be so good that you will hit every shot crisply. When you put, do you hit the ball consistently to the right or left of the hole? I did too, and I could not cure the habit.

If I allowed for the ball to go to the right of the hole as it usually did, by closing my blade slightly, I would for once hit a straight put and it would go to the left of the hole, exactly where the blade of my putter was aiming.

All that is needed is a slight adjustment to your grip, and your problem will be overcome.

Then, your putting will be so good that you will receive very flattering comments. Your friends will secretly envy your skill with the putter. I guess you have felt this friendly envy in the past. I know I have.

Your short game will no longer be a thing of fear and you will no longer experience poor confidence. You will look at the green and say I bet I can get down in 2. And the chances are very strong that you will.

Bill Maitland is a thinking, inventive golf guru. He thought out and developed simple techniques and tips which enabled him to lower his handicap from 25 to 18, then from 18 to 15, and finally from 15 to 12. He is a passionate golfer, and delights in helping others with their game should they want his help. To learn about his tips and simple techniques, visit

A Simple Golfswing

by Shelley Allen
A simple golfswing is a thing of beauty and contrary to popular opinion a simple golfswing is not as difficult to achieve as you may believe. A simple golfswing is the key golf instruction success factor for a consistent and repeatable move.

What you need to master the simple golfswing is the right technique. Many people look for the right tips, right maneuvers, or the secret to a simple golfswing and if you're an avid golfer, the first thing you will want to do is to master the simple golfswing - which is actually not a too difficult task to achieve. The best way to quickly lower your golf scores is to build a better, simple golfswing. Remember, just a mad swing at the golf ball is not what's going to achieve reasonable or desirable results on a golf course. If you keep your swing consistent you will soon see that you will always hit the ball straight. A simple golfswing is what drives your score. Develop a simple golfswing once and for all. Just imagine having a consistent and repeatable golfswing!

Gaining extra distance and greatly improving your accuracy is easy with a simple golfswing. Firstly, understanding the mechanics of a golfswing and how different parts of your body affect your swing and the entire shot is vitally important. Your stance also plays an important part here as if you are too upright or knees are bent too much it will be more difficult to execute a good backswing and you will lose balance either at the top of your backswing or at the follow through part of the swing. This is caused through your stance being too narrow or too wide. If you look at any of the really good players, you will see that they actually initiate the downswing by pulling the club down with their arms. They do NOT start the downswing by twisting the chest towards the target. Initially, just focus on the set-up, top of the back swing and follow-through positions. Once you have visualized those three positions it is pretty easy to get a simple golfswing happening.

With a simple golfswing, you'll be able to enjoy and play golf the rest of your life. Others have made the golf swing far too complex. With a simple golfswing, you will get more enjoyment out of your golf game and you'll rise to a whole new level of confidence in your golf game. You're new found confidence will allow your whole game to improve and this will reflect on your score card.

Achieving a simple golfswing will surely change your golf and you'll be amazed with your game. No matter how long you have to enjoy the great game of golf, those years can be filled with an enhanced enjoyment of the game, brought about purely by developing a simple golfswing.

There are a lot of resources on the web where you can access simple golfswing video sequences and other teaching resources.

And speaking of's an awesome program which guarantees you will drop at least 7 strokes off your golf game in just 2 weeks. Take a look now...

Your perfect golf swing is achievable

by Brent Bonnett
With the many factors that contribute to a successful golf swing, it can be a lifelong quest to achieve the perfect golf swing. But by breaking down golf swing components and addressing them individually, you can work towards a perfect golf swing and see improvements on the score card. Some of the basic areas to work on when trying to get to the perfect golf swing include grip, stance, ball position, alignment, flexibility, balance, and swing plane.

Your body limits how good your golf swing will be, so on your way to finding a perfect golf swing you will first need to reach an appropriate golf fitness level. The key to great golf fitness is flexibility. Flexibility will bring power to your golf swing and you will be able to increase your distance. Without being flexible, you will not be able to take a full golf swing, taking the club back far and finishing with a thorough follow-through. To improve flexibility, check out some easy golf exercises. Also, before each round of golf you should do some simple golf stretches to improve your flexibility and golf swing for the entire round.

The foundation of a perfect golf swing starts with your grip and stance. You want balance when it comes to your golf swing, and this begins with a solid stance. Your feet should be a little more than shoulder's width apart. Your grip should be comfortable and not too tight. One sign that you may be gripping your golf club too tightly is if your hands begin to ache during your round or after you have finished playing.

Golf training aids are one way that many golfers work towards their perfect golf swing. Many easy to use golf training or teaching aids can be found online, such as golf impact indicators or golf swing trainers. Integrating equipment such as training aids into your golf practice routine will bring some great improvements to your golf swing and game on the course.

No matter how much you work on your perfect golf swing, if you aren't using the right equipment you will always be hindered. Make sure you are using the right size golf clubs that have the right club shafts in them. Also, try and find a golf ball that is right for the type of golf game that you play.

Remember, you will never achieve the perfect golf swing without constant and dedicated practice. The best golfers spend countless hours on the driving range working on their golf swing. If you aren't committed to spending the time necessary to work on your golf swing, you will never have the perfect golf swing for you.

Author: Brent Bonnett

The Simple Golf Swing

by David Griffin
Let me start off by saying that I was extremely leary about buying something off of the internet to help improve my golf swing. And come on, "The Simple Golf Swing"? Everyone knows a perfect golf swing like Tiger Woods is anything but simple. After reading some of the testimonials of the simple golf swing and since the price of the book was so low (I spend more on golf balls) I decided to buy the book because it is 100% guaranteed - if it sucked I would just get a refund. One of the main reasons I decided to buy the simple golf swing book was because I don't have time to have a golf trainer or practice all the time. I go to college, and I work a part-time job.

So I decided to buy the book and I spent a few hours reading it from front to back over and over. I decided I would just print the book out and bring it with me to the golf course in the morning so I didn't forget anything. After attending a few classes in the morning at school, my friends and I drove right across the street to our local golf course in Lexington, KY.

Let me just put it this way, my friends were amazed at my golf swings and were convinced that I had a personal golf trainer. The first day that I had tried out the tips that I got from the Simple Golf Swing I improved my handicap from a 17 to a 13. I improved my accuracy and distance hitting the golf ball as well. This was just my first time using the Simple Golf Swing tips and they were definetly helping my golf swing.

Two days later I went back to the course and had even better results. It was a rainy day, so I wanted to test out some more tips that were in the Simple Golf Swing book. My first tee I had a great hit even with the wetness of the ball and club. I have never had a ball fly this straight and high in the rain before.

Every hole after the first was the same. I would've never dreamed of making such solid contact thru 18 holes. The ultimate test came on the 4th hole where I'm sitting at 200 yards out in the middle of the fairway on an uphill par 4. I grab my 3 iron which still looks new from lack of use and I nail it within 15 feet of the hole. I wound up shooting 80 and the only reason that I was that high, was club selection between my sand and pitching wedge. I was getting so much action on my sand wedge that 3 times I hit the front of the green and it sucked right back off the green. That's the first time that has ever happened to me. To top things off my playing partner, seeing me hit so well, asked me what I'd changed. I gave him a brief lesson and within two holes he's hitting them a far and as straight as I've ever seen him.

I honestly recommend The Simple Golf Swing even if you already think you are Tiger Woods. A lot of people have had success with The Simple Golf Swing and you can read more testimonials on their website.

Check out my blog at You can get the book from there.

Do you think a perfect golf swing is achievable?

by Staffan Moritz
Even the pros sometimes need help with their golf swing. However, the difference between the pros and most amateurs is that the pros take the time to learn about their golf swing.

They look at each golf swing element and then address them individually. Some of the basic areas they constantly work to achieve the perfect golf swing includes the grip, stance, ball position, alignment, flexibility, balance, and the swing plane.

The foundation of a perfect golf swing starts with your grip and stance. You want balance when it comes to your golf swing, and this begins with a solid stance. Your feet should be a little more than shoulder's width apart. Your grip should be comfortable and not too tight. One sign that you may be gripping your golf club too tightly is if your hands begin to ache during your round or after you have finished playing. You should also focus on your fitness level.

If you truly wants to achieve a perfect golf swing you also focus on your body fitness. The reason why is because you need flexibility. With greater flexibility comes increased power which will improve everything about your golf swing. Without being flexible, you will not be able to take a full golf swing, taking the club back far and finishing with a thorough follow-through.

Golf training aids can quickly improve your golf swing.

Many easy to use golf training or teaching aids can be found online, such as golf impact indicators or golf swing trainers. Integrating equipment such as training aids into your golf practice routine will bring some great improvements to your golf swing and game on the course.

What about equipment?

No matter how much you work on your perfect golf swing, if you are not using the right equipment you will always be hindered. Make sure you are using the right size golf clubs that have the right club shafts in them. Also, try and find a golf ball that is right for the type of golf game that you play.

Constant and dedicated training.

You can have the best tools and all the knowledge in the world but what it really boils down to is your level of dedication. The best golfers in the world spend countless hours on the driving range working on their golf swing. You have to be willing to invest time and energy if you truly strive to have the perfect golf swing.

Staffan Moritz is a respected golf expert from Sweden, author and founder of a cutting-edge online golf secrets site. Take a look at his new just released Golf Secrets Newsletter that teaches the Perfect Golf Swing at:

Benefits Of The Simple Golf Swing System

by Paul Ronston
Look at simple golf swing review and learn the many benefits to the Simple Golf Swing System.

You will gain driving distance by 10% and in some cases much more by utilizing the larger muscles of the body.

Once you can start to see the difference you will gain more confidence in your swing and be able to apply more power and speed thus creating even greater distance gains.

Another great benefit will be increased accuracy. By keeping the club head square to the plane during the entire swing it will ensure it is square when it hits the ball and the Power Thumb grip almost entirely eliminates slicing. Not only will you be closer to the pin but you will have considerably less lost balls.

Also because there are fewer parts of the body moving using Simple Swing there are fewer things that can go wrong thus giving you greater consistency. Improving your golf by removing the frustrating problems associated with traditional golf swings you will be able to enjoy your game much more and you will have the edge over your competition

Apart from the obvious benefits of The Simple Swing System is the price. Think about how much you have spent on the many golf training aids that are on the market, how much have you spent on lessons without achieving much, all the hours at the driving range and now for less than the cost of one lesson you know how to improve your game in under 30 mins.

In addition to that, it comes with a 90 day free trial so if you are not completely satisfied you can return it before the 90 days is up and you will get a full refund less postage of course. Customer service is guaranteed with email or phone support and videos or tapes of your swing will be gladly reviewed. There is also an online forum for your benefit.

Also included for a limited time are some special bonuses including free video of simple chipping, running for 20 mins this video will show you some chip shots that are easy to master and improve your short game.

A well demonstrated drills video for easy practice, a monthly newsletter full of tips, specials and stories from other happy golfers, a Simple Swing manual and a Chipping and Drills Manuel and of course our guaranteed support via email, phone and or forum.

Improving your golf is now easy and inexpensive with help no further than an email or phone call away and by using the forum you can communicate with other satisfied golfers.

To learn more about how you can improve your golf game using Simple Golf Swing, be sure to visit Paul Ronston's review blog at

A great golf swing

by Jerret Bonds
You can have a great golf swing that brings about the power you need to achieve distance and precision. But many of us never learn the correct swing technique by ourselves.

The golf swing of a adept player is different from the amateur player in that it has the correct swing plane and has a correct swing tempo. Your golf swing tempo is a innate part of your physical and athletic skill and is a very hard facet of the golf swing to teach. The golf swing plane on the other hand can be altered and corrected to remove most frequent mistakes.

The largest stumbling block in learning the correct swing technique and therefore playing better golf, is mastering the poor habits that are deep seated in your golf swing. Bad golf swing practices are very hard to master in my belief for one simple reason, and this is only my personal view and experience, most golf swing pointers center only on one facet of the swing to amend your problem.

The golf swing, for most of us, is one of the most complex motions a person can bring about. Correct set up at the moment of addressing the ball is important to a successful golf swing.
If you're similar to me, you began playing golf when a buddy took you to a driving range. Or perhaps your initial taste of golf was actually at a golf course. Chances are though you began hitting golf balls minus any type of proper training. You're not alone! Do you know anyone that hit their first bucket of golf balls with a golf instructor watching over them, instructing them in proper set up and swing plane?

As for myself, this is when my improper golf set up and swing plane was initially picked up. And before long I had a persisting slice that I have exhausted many years trying to master.

Without the correct set up, this involves your stance, grip, addressing the ball, back swing and follow through, you're swing will begin wrong and consequently will contact the ball wrong. The solution that I have found is getting myself back to the basics. I had to learn my golf swing from the ground up, this meant forgetting the things I thought I understood and permitting myself to be instructed in the proper golf set up and swing.

Jerret Bonds is a Husband and Father to 7 children, 20 Year Professional in the Automotive Industry, Entrepreneur, Golf Enthusiast and Weekend Woodworker.
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