by Dave Powell
Fix Your Golf Slice With Basic Corrections
A golf slice can often be cured by some simple, basic corrections in set-up.
For instance, while a golfer can occasionally compensate for a poor swing, you cant play well with a poor grip. It is important, if you want to fix your slice permanently, that you take the time to check your grip using this simple drill:
Take a blade of grass and trap it between the fleshy pad on the underside of your right thumb and the top of your left thumb. Now, complete your grip and swing the club to the top of the backswing. If the blade of grass has remained in position then your grip is secure and firm, but if the grass has fallen out, this is a sign that your hands are separating, which causes the club to move about at the top of the backswing.
Having the clubface in the correct position at the top of your backswing is fundamental to correcting a golf slice. Unfortunately, thats not an easy position to check when the club is out of sight and behind you. The way to check the clubface position is to look up and check the direction in which the knuckles on your left hand are pointing.
If they are well to the right, the clubface will be closed to the target line, which in the downswing normally produces a right-to-left hook flight. If your knuckles point to right, the clubface will be open and the result will be a sliced golf shot. If the knuckles point straight up to the sky the clubface is square to the target line.
In fact, grip faults can often be the main reason for slicing in golf, and the problem with grip faults is that they can get into your game without you really being aware of them. To prevent this slow decline in technique perform the following check:
Grip the club and make sure that you can see around two and a half knuckles on your left hand. Then take a pen and draw a small dot on your golf glove on the last knuckle showing. To ensure your grip is correct on every shot, all you have to do is to look down at your glove after taking up your grip. If you cant see the dot then your grip has probably become too weak. Likewise if you can see a knuckle beyond the mark, then your grip is probably becoming too strong.
Many players have a golf slice by allowing their left side to slide too far to the left in the downswing, making it difficult to square up the clubface correctly at impact. This can be a difficult habit to correct but there is a mental drill that could help you keep those hips from sliding.
When you address the golf ball, imagine you are next to an open door with your left side positioned against the wall. When you swing the club back down to the ball, imagine the wall stopping your legs from sliding to the left, while your arms and hands remain free to swing the clubhead on through the open door. This will prevent your legs from sliding to the left. It will also encourage you to adopt the correct active hand action in your downswing. is a website full of FREE golf tips, drills and instruction.
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Fix Your Golf Slice With Basic Corrections
A golf slice can often be cured by some simple, basic corrections in set-up.
For instance, while a golfer can occasionally compensate for a poor swing, you cant play well with a poor grip. It is important, if you want to fix your slice permanently, that you take the time to check your grip using this simple drill:
Take a blade of grass and trap it between the fleshy pad on the underside of your right thumb and the top of your left thumb. Now, complete your grip and swing the club to the top of the backswing. If the blade of grass has remained in position then your grip is secure and firm, but if the grass has fallen out, this is a sign that your hands are separating, which causes the club to move about at the top of the backswing.
Having the clubface in the correct position at the top of your backswing is fundamental to correcting a golf slice. Unfortunately, thats not an easy position to check when the club is out of sight and behind you. The way to check the clubface position is to look up and check the direction in which the knuckles on your left hand are pointing.
If they are well to the right, the clubface will be closed to the target line, which in the downswing normally produces a right-to-left hook flight. If your knuckles point to right, the clubface will be open and the result will be a sliced golf shot. If the knuckles point straight up to the sky the clubface is square to the target line.
In fact, grip faults can often be the main reason for slicing in golf, and the problem with grip faults is that they can get into your game without you really being aware of them. To prevent this slow decline in technique perform the following check:
Grip the club and make sure that you can see around two and a half knuckles on your left hand. Then take a pen and draw a small dot on your golf glove on the last knuckle showing. To ensure your grip is correct on every shot, all you have to do is to look down at your glove after taking up your grip. If you cant see the dot then your grip has probably become too weak. Likewise if you can see a knuckle beyond the mark, then your grip is probably becoming too strong.
Many players have a golf slice by allowing their left side to slide too far to the left in the downswing, making it difficult to square up the clubface correctly at impact. This can be a difficult habit to correct but there is a mental drill that could help you keep those hips from sliding.
When you address the golf ball, imagine you are next to an open door with your left side positioned against the wall. When you swing the club back down to the ball, imagine the wall stopping your legs from sliding to the left, while your arms and hands remain free to swing the clubhead on through the open door. This will prevent your legs from sliding to the left. It will also encourage you to adopt the correct active hand action in your downswing. is a website full of FREE golf tips, drills and instruction.
Fix your golf slice now by visiting FREE Golf Swing Tips at: